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As Nifty Notes – The Dawson Method of Reading Music is a game based learning tool, your students will enjoy the engaging way “Nifty Nev” takes them gently from theory to games, to revision and quizzes, and play the game with ease while gaining an invaluable insight into the world of music notation.  As the Dawson Method of Reading Music is based on a gradual build up of becoming familiar with just a few notes and concepts at a time, Nifty Notes will enhance the sight reading of your students, and sharpen the skills of those who can already read music.

Nifty Notes – The Dawson Method of Reading Music can be successfully integrated in all classes from as early as “Early Stage 1” and “Stage 1”.  Giving a broad overview of just six notes and three values, Module 1 can easily be implemented into the classroom in conjunction with other games and songs within the music units of early learning, using an Interactive Whiteboard on its own, or in conjunction with other technological devices.

Students can learn at their own pace: individually, as a group, as a whole class, or even at home with assigned homework through Nifty Notes.  Teachers do not have to have any musical knowledge at all to be able to confidently teach the subject of music using Nifty Notes, and will quickly see the success of their students reading music fluently in half the time of conventional methods. 

Preset module defaults can be chosen to teach a class with clear theory lessons.  Teachers will actually learn to read music themselves, in addition to the students!  Of course, lesson plans can be easily written to incorporate a particular musical concept of study for those teachers who are familiar with the subject of music and any combination of theory can be used as an individual unit of study if they wish. 

Stages 1&2 Outcomes and Indicators:  All Nifty Notes Modules appear in a game format.  Modules 2&3 will easily explain simple music notation in a gradual process of four games, assisting in musical concept outcomes.  It will “set the scene” for future learning and understanding of musicology.  It will give Stage 1&2 teachers the opportunity for students to form their own compositions, with clear explanations and guidance on time signatures.  Students also have an opportunity to use percussion instruments more creatively.

Stage 3 Outcomes and Indicators:  Nifty Notes Modules 3&4 is an invaluable tool to teach your students traditional music notation as a means of recording and communicating their own musical ideas, and more advanced musical concepts.  Students in Stage 3 will greatly benefit by using Nifty Notes to explore the relationship between musical symbols and sound.  In addition, for those students who have formal music training, Nifty Notes will sharpen their skills in reading music, particularly in the “Revision Games”, and allow them to further explore the more advanced and complex theory subjects within the program.

Stage 3 Implications for Learning and Teaching:  All modules within Nifty Notes – The Dawson Method of Reading Music provide opportunities for students to experiment, improvise, select, combine and evaluate their own musical ideas to form compositions.  The program also assists students in recognizing and fluently reading commonly understood and traditional notation including note values, rests, pitches.  Clear theory lessons are integrated throughout the program in each module.

Musical Concepts – All Stages:  Nifty Notes – the Dawson Method of Reading Music combines gradual and graded learning concepts in duration, beat, rhythm, pitch, metre, tempo, and rests.  It also provides clear discrimination between beat and rhythm, reinforcing knowledge that beats can be divided. 

Nifty Notes – The Dawson Method of Reading Music provides cross-curriculum content in mathematical skills, strategic thinking, improvisation, literacy, rhythm (therefore gross motor skills) and confidence in learning to name a few.


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